Struggling to find a fun and convenient date spot?

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Pick from our handpicked date ideas all located halfway between you and your date.

đź“Ť Now in Barcelona

Venue Choice Dilemma

Spend a lot of time on Google Maps, Instagram or Time Out looking for the perfect venue? Is that 4.5-star spot a tourist trap? Great atmosphere for families but not quite right for a date? Or is it an amazing place but halfway across town?

Curated Venues & Experiences

We handle the legwork, digging through Google Maps, Instagram, TikTok and Reddit, combing through reviews and photos. Our database features the top spots and experiences in the city, carefully selected specifically for dating.

Convenient Venue Options

Share both locations with us and we'll provide you with a curated list of the best venues and experiences conveniently located between them.

Share Your Selection

We don’t expect you to trust us immediately, but we do make choosing a place easier for you. Explore the venues and experiences we've curated, and share as many as you'd like with your date.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to understand more about DateMapper! If you’d like to connect or have any questions, feel free to reach out on Instagram.